German Hygiene Museum Dresden
The special event location in Dresden
The innovative and multimedia “Deutsches Hygiene-Museum” (DHMD) was chosen as the venue for the joint annual conference. With its central and convenient location between Dresden’s old town and the baroque park “Großer Garten”, this outstanding site within Dresden’s museum landscape invites visitors to discover, experience and understand people, their bodies, emotions and senses as part of the central permanent exhibition “ABENTEUER MENSCH”.
Founded in 1912, the “Deutsches Hygiene-Museum” has been offering a unique look “under the skin” for over 100 years. This offer is flanked by changing, extremely diverse social and scientifically relevant exhibitions, which we also highly recommend you visit. Social, research-oriented and political issues from science and society, art and culture are discussed here, illuminated and highlighted in an exciting way – from topics such as “Future Food”, “In Prison”, “Of Plants and People”, “Racism” to “Artificial Intelligence”, this museum has an impressive range.
What’s more, the Deutsches Hygiene-Museum is more than a museum in the traditional sense: the museum sees itself as an open forum for debate – open to anyone who is interested in the cultural, social and scientific upheavals of our time. Through think tanks, multi-faceted lectures, forward-looking event series and various outreach projects, a critical and multi-layered examination of a wide variety of narratives, structures and contradictions is achieved, opening up space for new perspectives.