
Session tandems

For the sessions of the annual conference in Dresden, we would like to offer the tandem model for the chairs again this year. This means that the session chair will be held jointly by a junior and a senior member of the GMDS. In this way, we would like to motivate young scientists to get a taste of the scientific activities at a GMDS annual meeting under the supervision of an experienced GMDS member. In this way, you can get directly involved and benefit from greater integration into the GMDS community.

The chairs have the task of moderating the session. This means starting the session, briefly announcing the respective presentations, keeping an eye on the time and, if necessary, asking a question during the subsequent Q&A session if none comes from the auditorium. Of course, you can agree with your co-chair beforehand who will take on which tasks. No preparation is necessary, but you can of course read through the papers (if the conference proceedings are already online) or the abstracts beforehand.

We hereby invite all young members attending the upcoming GMDS Annual Meeting in Dresden to take this opportunity and register as co-chairs!

You can register your interest with the Scientific Program Committee (SPC), stating your area of expertise. Use the e-mail address:

We look forward to your support!