Instructions for authors

Ladies and Gentlemen,
We cordially invite you to present your work at the Cooperation Conference 2024 “Gesundheit – gemeinsam denken, forschen, handeln”. The submission can be made via the following link There you also have the option of assigning your contribution to a specific focus/topic.

Submission deadline (for all formats): April 30, 2024 | Notification of acceptance or rejection: end of June 2024

Please note the following general information on submitting contributions:

  • The following types of contributions are available at the GMDS Annual Conference:
    • Full paper
    • Abstracts
    • Tutorials
    • Workshops
    • Symposia
  • Special formats are reviewed by the respective department heads. The process is kept lean; the aim is to provide rapid feedback on acceptance.
  • By submitting, you assume responsibility for the accuracy of the data submitted.
  • In order to be included in the conference program, the speaker must register for the conference for a fee.


Click here for an overview of the GMDS topics.