Call for Contributions

Cooperation conference of GMDS, DGSMP, DGEpi, DGMS and DGPH


8th to 13th September 2024 at Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Dresden

Cooperation conference:

GMDS (Society for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology),
DGSMP (German Society for Social Medicine and Prevention),
DGEpi (German Society for Epidemiology),
DGMS (German Society for Medical Sociology) and
DGPH (German Society for Public Health)


Conference part GMDS: September 08 to September 11, 2024
Conference part DGSMP, DGEpi, DGMS & DGPH: September 11 to 13, 2024
On Wednesday, September 11, 2024, joint events will be held by all the
participating professional societies.

Under the motto “Gesundheit – gemeinsam denken, forschen, handeln.”, Germany’s leading professional societies in the fields of biomedical informatics, biometrics, epidemiology, social medicine, prevention, medical sociology and public health are coming together for the first time to contribute to improving health in a wide variety of areas by pooling their research expertise. The focus here is on the exchange between the professional societies, particularly in view of the many interfaces between the disciplines involved.

Further Call for Abstracts for the conference part of DGSMP, DGEpi, DGMS & DGPH

CfA “Young Perspectives”
CfA “Neglected social determinants”

Instructions for submission

The submission of scientific contributions for the program is possible from 15.01.2024 up to and including 30.04.2024 via the conference homepage There you will also find further information on the available submission categories and the applicable formal requirements. We will let you know by the end of June 2024 whether your submission has been accepted and in which format.

Click here for the instructions for GMDS authors.
Here you will find the instructions for DGSMP, DGEpi, DGMS & DGPH authors.

We look forward to numerous submissions and exciting discussions!

Conference Presidents

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Martin Sedlmayr (GMDS)
Deput. Director of the Institute for Medical Informatics and Biometry (IMB), Faculty of Medicine, TU Dresden

Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Seidler, MPH (President of the DGSMP)
Director of the Institute and Polyclinic for Occupational and Social Medicine (IPAS), Faculty of Medicine, TU Dresden

Conference offices

Dr. Maria Girbig (Conference part 2 – DGSMP, DGEpi, DGMS & DGPH)
Institute and Polyclinic for Occupational and Social Medicine
Faculty of Medicine Carl Gustav Carus, TU Dresden
Phone: +49 (0) 351-3177-454

Ninette Jänich (Conference part 1 – GMDS)
Institute for Medical Informatics and Biometry (IMB)
Faculty of Medicine Carl Gustav Carus, TU Dresden
Phone: +49 (0) 351-458-24-37


Intercom Dresden GmbH
Katharina Henze / Natasha D’Alvito
Phone: +49 (0) 351 320 173 70 / 80