Personal Health Data Spaces – health informatics opportunities under EHDS primary use priorities


“Personal Health Data Space” can help mitigate an obvious paradox in health care; patients and citizens really lack tools and services designed for them to fully leverage opportunities in use of health data to actively contribute to personal health and wellness, and specifically in activities of daily living for best possible care and treatment outcomes. The EHDS with priority areas for primary use of health data is an impetus for responsible innovation and value creation that leverage personalized use of health data for self-management, and everyday health and wellness purposes. I will share research examples that seek to support overview of personal health data and logistics in everyday living, drive digital health literacy and understanding, and stimulate concordance or adherence activities in terms of “do my part” and reap benefits of available prevention, care and treatment, for personal safety, quality of life and overall wellbeing.


Anne Moen is full professor at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, Oslo, and professor II at the Norwegian Center for eHealth Research, Tromsø, Norway. She is Director of UiO:eColab, a research lab supporting technology mediated complex, patient focused interventions, and multidisciplinary teamwork where health professionals, patients and their families collaborates to sustain health and wellbeing. Her program of research seeks to advance digital citizens centered services, leveraging opportunities to “collect, curate, complement and control” all relevant, personal health information. To do so, she combines in-depth insights in healthcare with design and deployment of accessible digital solutions, emphasizing citizen empowerment, digital health literacy and overall engagement for personal health activities. Professor Moen is the Coordinator of “Gravitate – Health: Empowering and Equipping Europeans with Health Information from trusted sources for active, safe, secure personal health management and adherence to treatment“, an Innovation Medicine Initiative funded Public-Private Partnership (project 945334, IMI2 JU), 2020-2026. Gravitate-Health’s mission is to prepare and test innovative, easy-to-use, elegant digital services that actively engage and empower citizens and their support network with use to personal health data to drive understanding of health information from trusted sources and improve adherence to treatment. More information is available at

Professor Moen’s public service includes President of EFMI (European Federation for Medical Informatics) (2014 – 2016), and IMIA-EFMI Vice President (2016-2018). During her tenure as EFMI representative in EU eHealth stakeholder group (2015 – 2019) she served as rapporteur for special focus area “Citizens and Health Data”. She is elected fellow of ACMI (American College of Medical Informatics) 2015, founding fellow of IAHSI (International Academy for Health Sciences Informatics) 2017, and elected Honorary Fellow of EFMI, 2019.

Anne Moen is an RN (1985), holds a master degree in nursing science (1996), and PhD in social sciences (Dr. polit) – specialization in health informatics (2002) from University of Oslo, Norway. She was Fulbright fellow (2002) and postdoc at University of Wisconsin-Madison (2002 – 2005), as well as visiting scientist at University of Wisconsin-Madison – Health systems Lab (Patricia F. Brennan PI) (2005 – 2012, 2015).

More information

Twitter and LinkedIn
@annemoen_oslo // @gravitatehealth


Date: Monday, September 09, 2024
Time: 11.00 am – 12.30 pm
Venue: Great Hall in the main building, Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Dresden